BCI – Business Consulting Institute

600 students took a big step in career development

On 23-24 September this year, in Iasi took place the Conference of good practices of teachers from the Republic of Moldova and Romania, organized by the Technical University "Gheorghe Asachi" of Iasi, as a partner in the cross-border project "DIRECT ACCESS TO STUDENTS".

The Conference was attended by teachers from colleges in the Republic of Moldova, teachers from technological colleges in Iasi, Vaslui and Botoșani, as well as teachers from the Technical University ''Gheorghe Asachi'' in Iasi.

During the event, participants exchanged best practices they have realized in the field of vocational-technical education. In their presentations, the teachers from the partner colleges from the Republic of Moldova mentioned, as direct benefits, the initiation of the 600 students in the mysteries of engineering, the establishment of collaboration relations with educational institutions in Romania, the promotion of the image of the colleges they represent, career guidance and stimulation of students and graduates to continue their careers in engineering, capitalizing on the opportunities offered by the Technical University of Iasi.

Teachers from Moldova brought with them messages of gratitude from their students, saying that the project has helped them take an important step in their career development.

Liviu Andriuță, project coordinator and executive director of the BCI, mentioned that both the Best Practices Conference and the other activities of the project converge towards a notable result: the creation of an inter-institutional framework that contributes to the development of human resources and cross-border cooperation capacity between the educational institutions of the two countries, through staff mobility.

The project "DIRECT ACCESS TO STUDENTS" is financed by the European Union through the Joint Operational Programme Romania - Republic of Moldova 2014 - 2020 and was implemented in the period 01.10.2020 - 31.10.2022 by the Technical University "Gheorghe Asachi" of Iasi, in partnership with the Association Regional Center for Social Integration North-East, under the coordination of the organization Business Consulting Institute from Chisinau.

The stated and achieved objective of the project was to increase access to quality educational programs through cooperation between educational institutions and to support 600 students from non-university tertiary education classes in the Republic of Moldova in their socio-professional development, to increase the chance of building a career in engineering, with an impact on improving the quality of life of young people.

For more details, go to press release:

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