Implementation period: October 2022 – June 2024
Partners: CIVITTA Strategy Consulting S.A., Rupprecht Consult GmbH, TTL Planning S.R.L
Funder: European Union
Purpose: To support Chișinău Municipality in preparing a Sustainable Public Transport Plan, with related capacity-building activities at the Municipality level.
- Development of a sustainable public transport plan for Chișinău Municipality.
- Enhancement of the institutional capacities of the municipality in the field of sustainable urban mobility.
- Project management.
- Stakeholder engagement.
- Analysis of the existing situation.
- Development of a sustainable transport strategy.
- Measurement of the transport system's performance.
- Planning the necessary measures.
- Development and validation of the plan.
- Review of available data and identification of gaps.
- Conducting transport usage and traveler satisfaction surveys.
- Comparison with similar cities.
- Review of current revenues and operating costs and forecasting these.
- Evaluation of the operational performance of the transport sector.
- Assessment of private operators in the transport sector.
- Preparation and calibration of a transport model.
- Development of comprehensive scenarios for urban transport development.
- A validated and calibrated sustainable public transport plan for Chișinău.
- Increased administrative and operational capacities of Chișinău Municipality in the field of urban mobility.
- Active involvement of stakeholders in the planning and implementation process.
- Well-founded strategies and scenarios for sustainable urban transport development in Chișinău.