Implementation period: February 2017 – April 2017
Funder: German Development Cooperation (GIZ)
Purpose: Improve the institutional framework for inter-municipal water resource management.
- Conduct a Diagnostic Analysis of three water and sanitation service (SAS) operators and propose a Concept for their reorganization to expand operations to a larger number of communities.
- Report on entrepreneurial legislation in Transnistria.
- Diagnostic report for the SAS Operator in Criuleni.
- Diagnostic report for the SAS Operator in Coșnița.
- Diagnostic report for the SAS Operator in Dubăsari.
- Concept for the Reorganization of SAS Operators with recommendations.
Services offered:
- Conduct a desk analysis of relevant operational and regulatory documents for the mission.
- Analyze the legal framework, management, organizational structure, and human, technical, and financial resources.
- Assess the current situation and develop proposals to improve the organizational structure.
- Analyze services, competitors, customers, market size evaluation, market shares, price trends, etc.
- Develop investment concepts to improve water supply and sanitation services.
- Elaborate the reorganization concept.
- Project management, communication, and monitoring.