BCI – Business Consulting Institute

"Direct Access to Students" - a successful cross-border project

On October 21 - 22, 2022, Iasi hosted the closing conference of the project  Direct Student Accessfunded by the European Union through the Joint Operational Program Romania - Republic of Moldova 2014 - 2020.

The conference was attended by teachers from the Center of Excellence in Light Industry from Chisinau, the College of Light Industry from Balti, the College of Construction from Hincesti, the Center of Excellence in Energy and Electronics from Chisinau, the College of Technology from Chisinau, the Center of Excellence in Informatics and Information Technologies from Chisinau, the Polytechnic College from Balti and the Center of Excellence in Construction from Chisinau.

According to the participants, the main objective of the project has been achieved. About 800 students from non-university tertiary education in the Republic of Moldova have benefited from free access to quality educational programs through cooperation between educational institutions from the two banks of the Prut.

Young people from colleges and centers of excellence in the Republic of Moldova were stimulated to take advantage of the opportunities offered by the Technical University of Iasi. They were familiarized with the educational offer of the faculties and benefited from information, guidance and counseling services for the choice of the faculty.

Students participated in presentations of undergraduate and master programs for different majors, open lectures, guided tours in classrooms, lecture halls and faculty laboratories, discussions with professors, faculty students, exhibitions, conferences and workshops.

Students from the Republic of Moldova have also familiarized themselves with the students' lifestyle at the University, and many of them have already decided to continue their studies at the Technical University "Gheorghe Asachi" in Iasi. This choice will greatly enhance their chances of building careers in engineering, with a major impact on improving their quality of life.

The project included joint actions involving organizations from both sides of the Prut. The project partners were the Business Consulting Institute in Chisinau, the North-East Regional Center for Social Integration in Romania and the Technical University "Gheorghe Asachi" in Iasi.

Project Direct Student Access aimed and succeeded in creating long-term relationships centered on cooperation, coordination, knowledge transfer and interoperability between the Romanian and the Moldovan correspondent in terms of accomplishing tasks and improving the quality of life through education. Through the exchange of good practices between teachers, the project helped to improve the professional training of tertiary education teachers from both Romania and the Republic of Moldova and academic staff, thus increasing the competences needed to fulfill their tasks.

The total budget of the project was 442 530 Euro, of which the EU contribution was 398 277 Euro. The implementation period was 18 months.

For more details, go to press release:

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