Implementation period: October 2020 – December 2022
Funder: European Union
Purpose: To support the municipalities of Cahul and Ungheni, identified as regional growth poles, in socio-economic development and improving the economic and living conditions for the surrounding local communities.
- Provide support for new businesses and accelerate promising young companies in the surrounding urban and rural areas, especially those led by women or those with a positive impact on vulnerable groups.
- Conducting a promotional campaign.
- Organizing intensive one-day training sessions on business plan writing.
- Providing individual consultations for business plan writing.
- Selecting 28 grant beneficiaries.
- Initiating two pilot initiatives to promote social entrepreneurship.
- Delivering a support and coaching program.
- Organizing 10 one-day thematic seminars to improve business skills.
- Building capacities and facilitating the exchange of experiences.
- Creating 15 sustainable businesses.
- Development of methodology: preparing a methodological approach and a detailed work plan for implementing the activities.
- Preparatory activities for launching the three Calls for Applications.
- Evaluation of beneficiaries.
- Organizing an awards ceremony and signing agreements.
- Organizing advanced training for beneficiaries and on-the-job training for local facilitators.
- Delivering a 12-month support and coaching program for beneficiary entrepreneurs.
- Providing specialized consultations to beneficiaries.
- Preparing a final synthesis report.
- Continuous mentoring for beneficiaries for up to 12 months.