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How resilient are we to climate change?

Environmental protection measures in the context of sustainable development were discussed at a national conference hosted by UNDP and Sweden

Cum ar putea o comunitate să transforme deșeurile dintr-o problemă în resursă, ce ar putea face pentru utilizarea rațională a rezervelor de apă, cum să aplice  reglementările legislative din domeniul mediului, cum să evalueze impactul de mediu și cum trebuie să integreze aspectele de gen în activitățile de mediu? Acestea, dar și alte subiecte au fost discutate astăzi, 24 mai 2022, la conferința națională „Măsuri de protecție a mediului înconjurător în contextul dezvoltării durabile”, se arată într-un comunicat de presă PNUD Moldova.

The event was organized by the UNDP project "Climate Resilient Communities through Women's Empowerment", with the financial assistance of Sweden, with the aim of strengthening the capacities of local public authorities (LPAs), which have a key role in the implementation of local sustainable development policies in the context of the increasing frequency and severity of extreme weather events and other climate hazards.

At the beginning of the conference, Virginia Bîlici, Program Coordinator at the Swedish Embassy in Moldova, said: "Climate change affects our society and environment in many ways. We need good information and firm action to assess environmental risks, mitigate the worst consequences and plan concrete measures to adapt to the changes we cannot stop. Sweden supports the Republic of Moldova's efforts to build resilient and inclusive communities and today's event is an example".

About 100 mayors, representatives of the Ministry of Environment, environmental experts and representatives of environmental NGOs attended the conference and analyzed together the challenges they face in the field of environmental protection, shared best practices and sustainable solutions that can be applied in communities to increase resilience to climate change and rational use of natural resources and assessed their priorities for implementing environmental protection activities.

The Republic of Moldova is one of the most vulnerable countries in Europe in terms of climate change, and the impact of this phenomenon is being felt more and more frequently, with widespread droughts, floods and other disasters caused by rising temperatures and uneven rainfall. In this context, we are very pleased to see the increased interest on the part of LPAs to be partners in combating this phenomenon, as demonstrated by their participation in this event, but also by the projects initiated and carried out with the support of Sweden and UNDP in several areas such as waste management, renewable energy, river restoration and management, afforestation and management of degraded lands"said Silvia Pana-Carp, Program Coordinator, UNDP Moldova.

During the conference were also presented some practical guides on environmental, climate and gender legislation and measures to protect the environment and adapt to climate change, which were developed within the UNDP project for LPAs.

The project "Climate Resilient Communities through Women's Empowerment" contributes to the sustainable development and increased resilience to climate change of localities in the districts of Nisporeni, Calarasi, Basarabeasca, Leova, UTA Gagauzia, the security zone and Transnistrian region through the economic, social and educational empowerment of women. The project is implemented by UNDP in the period 2020 - 2023 with financial assistance from Sweden.

Contact person: Natalia Costaș, Communications and Media Relations Consultant, UNDP Moldova, phone: 0 69 22 22 11 41; e-mail: natalia.costas@undp.org

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