Implementation period: April - December 2015
Funder: GIZ Moldova
Purpose: Supporting the Ministry of Construction and Regional Development in the elaboration of the National Regional Development Strategy for the period 2016-2020, in line with national and European standards for monitoring and evaluation based on results.
- Support for MDRC in the development of the new National Regional Development Strategy 2016-2020.
- Support for 3 Agenții de Dezvoltare Regională (Nord, Centru, Sud), in developing celor trei Strategii de Dezvoltare Regională care acoperă perioada 2016-2020
- Establishing a participatory approach and developing the concept setting the vision and priorities for regional development for the period 2016-2020
- Meetings and interviews with representatives of RDAs and MDRCs, working groups within the Ministry, GIZ representatives and other donors
- Realization of the draft National Regional Development Strategy, in accordance with Government Decision 33/2007 and best practices.