Implementation period: November 2017 – March 2018
Partner: CIVITTA Moldova
Funder: European Union
Purpose: Conduct a mid-term evaluation to assess the ongoing relevance of the NARDS program and its interventions through various measures/actions, as well as the progress made towards achieving the planned objectives. The evaluation also provides an opportunity to adjust the Strategy and Action Plan to ensure the targets are met by 2020.
- Assess the program's progress in terms of its objectives, focusing on results and, where applicable, performance indicators.
- Evaluate the effectiveness and efficiency of the strategy's implementation, as well as the allocation of resources.
- Improve the quality of the Action Plan and its implementation.
- Review proposals for substantial amendments to the strategy.
- Prepare for an ex-post evaluation.
- Mid-term evaluation report with an executive summary.
Services offered:
- Review of project documents, progress reports, and reports from the independent monitoring group.
- Collection and analysis of data on the various subsectors identified in NARDS.
- Meetings with stakeholders, focus group discussions, and field visits.
- Individual discussions with key stakeholders.
- Provide recommendations and an enhanced framework for monitoring and evaluation procedures regarding the review of NARDS and its implementation in the second phase.