BCI – Business Consulting Institute

Facilitating the integration of climate change adaptation and disaster risk management priorities into local development planning in a participatory and gender-sensitive manner

Implementation period: December 2019 – February 2020

Funder: UNDP Moldova

Purpose: Create a conducive environment for resilient local livelihoods through climate-sensitive planning and the application of smart agricultural approaches at the community level, to enhance water availability for agriculture and protect against floods and other climate risks.


  • Establish community working groups in each of the target localities.
  • Provide basic training on integrating climate change adaptation and disaster risk management priorities to community working groups and local decision-makers.
  • Include community working groups in the participatory identification and formulation of local climate change adaptation measures and disaster risk reduction strategies.
  • Consult and validate the community-level climate and disaster risk assessments to identify local mitigation and adaptation priorities.
  • Develop a community development document based on the results.
  • Consult and validate the community development plan and/or the Climate Change Adaptation and Disaster Risk Management Plan with community members.
  • Develop a cost strategy and fundraising plan for the community development plan, especially the Climate Change Adaptation and Disaster Risk Management Plan.
  • Support local public authorities (LPAs) in approving the community development plan document, particularly the Climate Change Adaptation and Disaster Risk Management Plan section.
  • Provide training to LPAs on the effective implementation of the program.
  • Train community working groups in effective civic oversight.
  • Support the community in establishing volunteer firefighting/rescue brigades.
  • Develop a medium-term financial and cost plan for the community firefighting/rescue brigades in close collaboration with project specialists and stakeholders.


  • Demonstrated climate adaptation interventions in the water sector for agricultural purposes and flood management and developed local climate policy frameworks in several districts.
  • Enhanced community-level capacities in climate and disaster risk management for risk reduction, prevention, and rapid response.

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