Implementation period: October 2015 - March 2016
Funder: Austrian Development Agency, UNDP Moldova
Purpose: Inclusion of climate change adaptation issues in district-level strategic development documents and implementation of performance-based budgeting.
- To support LPAs in six pilot districts (two pilot districts in each development region) to mainstream climate change adaptation issues into development strategies and action plans;
- Develop appropriate financial instruments and mechanisms in line with local development policies/strategies.
- Initial report with a detailed action plan;
- Interim report, which will contain the climate change actions in the local development strategies and action plans, the budget allocated for them;
- Public discussion and approval by district councils of local development strategies, strategic development plans and climate change action plans; progress report;
- Review financial instruments for current expenditure formation and budget planning mechanisms, allocations for climate change adaptation measures;
- Develop for each district 2 performance-based budgeting programs for climate change adaptation;
- Report on public debate and approval of measures included in strategic development plans, action plans and performance-based budgets;
- Final report, presenting the project activities and products.