BCI – Business Consulting Institute


How to Start a Business: A Practical Guide for Entrepreneurs

This guide was produced as part of the project “Encouraging the Innovative Use of Remittances in Productive Rural Investments.” The guide aims to develop the entrepreneurial and managerial capacities of returnees and remittance recipients to increase investments from money transferred from abroad. It provides interested parties with all the necessary consulting for starting and managing their own business, which would transform remittances into new income for the beneficiaries.  

Cross-border Cooperation Guide

The Cross-border Cooperation Guide The second edition of the Cross-border Cooperation Guide presents the concept of cross-border cooperation, national and international experiences, legislative framework, techniques and methods, examples of best practices in the field of cross-border cooperation, and funding for cross-border activities. It is a practical work designed for public authorities in the Republic of Moldova, civil society institutions, and businesses in border areas, and can also serve as a manual for students, doctoral candidates, and educators.   

Development of Human Resources and Internal Audit Capacities: Recommendations for Local Public Authorities in Moldova

This study is not an internal audit or internal control manual or a guide on financial control in the sense of "financial auditing." It presents the role of internal audit and internal control in the modern sense—ensuring good governance in the public sector.