BCI – Business Consulting Institute

Support services for the private sector in Cahul and Ungheni districts

Implementation period: November 2021 - June 2024

Funder: European Union through the EU4Moldova Program: Focal Regions

Purpose: Support for new business development and acceleration of promising young businesses in urban and rural areas, with a focus on businesses run by women and vulnerable groups


  1. Baseline study:
    • Develop detailed methodologies for each stage and activity of the project.
  2. Monitoring and evaluation:
    • Setting and monitoring performance indicators for each beneficiary, including field visits to assess progress.
    • Organization of regular meetings and counseling sessions for beneficiaries to ensure proper implementation of business plans and achievement of project objectives.
  3. Initial assistance:
    • Organize introductory training sessions for grantees in order to familiarize participants with the steps and procedures needed to implement their projects.
  4. Evaluation reports:
    • Produce interim and final reports reflecting the results achieved, the number of jobs created, the amount of revenue and investment attracted, as well as lessons learned and recommendations for future calls.
  5. Procurement processes:
    • Preparing all necessary documents and procedures for procurement tailored to the needs of the beneficiaries, ensuring efficient and compliant use of allocated funds

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